b'OUR INFRASTRUCTURE1 The best time to prepare to respond to anDID YOU KNOW?!emergency is before it happens.U.S. INFRASTRUCTURE STATSHAS BEEN TESTED. Consider protocol for all kinds of2 emergencies, including fire, explosions,13.5 BILLIONshort-term weather shutdowns, natural disasters, such as earthquakes and floods,and viral threats. PACKAGES DELIVERED ANNUALLYCreate clear emergency plans in case 4.8 MILLION3 employees need to evacuate your buildingGROCERY STORE EMPLOYEESand designate a gathering place whereemployees can be accounted for. Postescape routes. Conduct periodic drills. Establish procedures for employees who4.18 MILLION4 must shut down critical operations, operateMILES OF ROADSHAS IT PASSED? fire extinguishers, or perform other essential services before evacuating.The United States has one of the most developed transportation For example, in the energy world, this rapid response is Create operational contingency plans in3,805,927networks on the planet. It also offers unmatched reliability forsupported by procedures that were fortified after 9/11. 5 case your employees cant work in corporateSQUARE MILES IN THE U.S.offices because of health issues, structural issues, or damage from a natural disaster. electricity, water, gas, internet, food, and fuel in every corner ofAccording to the Office of Cybersecurity, Energy Security, Create off-site storage for originals or1,115,400our nation. It takes millions of people to build, maintain, andand Emergency Response, during this crisis, the energyrepair these incredibly complex infrastructures, but many infrastructure has operated under the Emergency Support 6 duplicates of critical documents, includingCAREER & VOLUNTEER FIREFIGHTERSAmericans take it for granted.Function (ESF) #12, in which the Department of Energy accounting records, legal documents, your facilitates the reestablishment of damaged energy systemsemployees emergency contact lists, and While the medical community has been deservedly commendedand components when activated by the Secretary of Homelandother essential records. 900,000for its willingness and ability to work long hours in hazardousSecurity for incidents requiring a coordinated Federal response conditions, they are not the only heroes emerging from the 2020under the Stafford Act.coronavirus (COVID-19) crisis. The people who run our countrysDevelop a decentralized communication infrastructure have also adapted to unprecedented challenges.At Flagger Force, our emergency plans are also designed to7 plan to issue instructions in case of aLAW ENFORCEMENT OFFICERSEven when facing viral threats, theyve efficiently managed protect our employees while still providing the services neededdisruption of business or issue with your electric, water, gas, communications, roads, and to ensure that all kinds of infrastructure workers are supportedlocation(s), and make sure all employees are600,000delivery systems.with safe work zones. Through the use of our mobile employeefamiliar with that plan.While this industrys exceptional preparedness measures haveapp and email communications, we were able to deliver real-time updates to all employees, clients, and partners as the situationAssign emergency communications tasks toPOSTAL WORKERSbeen tested regionally in the past, in the COVID-19 crisis, changed from a potential threat to an ongoing crisis. a team that can update your website, create emergency planning was put into action in every part of theOur clients rely on our frontline, essential services to maintain8 social media messaging, assemble emails,14,748country for the first time ever. While these emergency measuresand handle public relations issues. Create an were not designed explicitly for a viral threat, by preparing thesafe, efficient, and affordable transport networks. Providing safeemergency communications kit with infrastructure to withstand the effects of storms, earthquakes,work zones enabled utilities and transportation to remain in topinstructions for messages for PUBLICLY OWNED TREATMENT WORKSfires, floods, volcanoes, and other natural and manmade operating condition. As a result, the necessary supply chainsdifferent scenarios. disasters, the countrys infrastructure had deep and were able to deliver food, fuel, and medical supplies reliably.Conduct continual cloud back-ups of files9,719comprehensive emergency procedures in place. Many unsungOur infrastructure has been tested, but has it passed? While heroes were able to keep Americas lights on, quite literally,some parts of our infrastructure exceeded expectations, some9 and business information, and make surePOWER PLANTSacross a service area covering 3.8 million square miles. segments have stumbled. We can all learn lessons from theyou are using a server backup located at a Adjustments were made to protect all types of employees andindustries that successfully kept Americas infrastructure secure, remote location.field workers from the virus, so that American infrastructure,working. Here are some Occupational Safety and Health Keep necessary healthcare supplies on hand,6,146deemed essential during this crisis, could function at full Administration guidelines many essential industriescapacity. Teams in the essential-classified industries werecurrently follow: prepared to operate with a reduced workforce and an uncertain10 and make sure your first aid kits are locatedHOSPITALSsupply chain for extended periods.throughout the building and are continually stocked. Moving forward, include handsanitizers, sanitized gloves, and face masksSOURCES: Federal Highway Administration, US Energy Information Administration, The Centerfor Sustainable Systems at the University of Michigan, The NFPA, NLEOMF, Washington Post,FOUR as part of every workers safety kit.AHA.org, FMI.org, and https://www.parcelpending.com/blog/package-delivery-statistics/'