b'Photo depicts violations of our visitor policy. UNAUTHORIZED VISITORS AT THE WORK ZONEThe first sight of a Road Work Ahead sign means there is anpublic about major construction projects, so chances are, youll obstacle ahead that may impact a travel path. For us, it meanssee journalists at some point in your career.we are keeping our communities moving. But for motorists,Regardless of the intrusion, whether it be by a frustrated most look at it as an inconvenience. Tensions can run highmotorist or the news media, always remember that you are no matter how large or small the work zone. A motorist maydoing your jobkeeping yourself, the client, and the public safe. be running late for work or having a tough day and they mayYou are the expert in the job you do, but it isnt always easy become frustrated at being slowed down during their travels.to explain what needs to happen to get safely through a work Though all important, some projects are more routine.zoneespecially when youre put on the spot or taken off guard. Occasionally, we work massive projects that may gain attentionHere are some helpful tips for when unauthorized visitors enter from the media. News crews are tasked with informing theyour work zone. 8|DE-ESCALATION'