BULLETIN BOARD | 5 N B O A R D New Client Receipt The third annual Field Employee Appreciation Month will be coming this July. Dates and events will be announced through email and on the Employee Portal of FlaggerForce.com. Stay tuned for more information. Field Employee Appreciation Month Flagger Force has transitioned from the traditional four-ply timesheets to the two-ply client receipts pictured below. The information filled out on the client receipt needs to reflect what was submitted via the mobile application. The yellow copy is for the client, while the white copy will be handed into the branch until we have reached a satisfactory level of compliance with capturing project numbers and valid signatures via the mobile application. Once we have compliance across the Flagger Force footprint, your branch will notify you that the white copies of the receipt should be kept for your records. If you have any questions, please contact your POC. All time must be submitted at the end of your job via the mobile application! APPRECIATION -2017-